Random imagery
, 07-06-2014 at 01:58 AM (1433 Views)
With the 8-month anniversary of the reef mere days away, I'll just post a few images taken recently.
The Staghorn acropora has breached the surface of the tank.
The Montipora capricornis is just a gem to see in person. It was more lime-yellow originally and I hope it will get back to that color again.
The clowns have resumed laying a big clutch of eggs every two weeks. (the orange patch on the left)
That Staghorn acropora colony is looking great.
A few copepods on the glass of the 60g anemone cube.
Feather caulerpa continues to do well in the refugium zone.
The ribbon Gorgonian was recently observed shedding some skin (center of image).