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New critter in substrate, apparently a Chiton, safe

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Today I noticed a different form in the substrate, one I'd never seen before. The tank is 4 years old, so that was quite a surprise. I must have imported himwith the rocks and creatures I added on 9/Oct .

I recalled seeing something similar in shape in "What Invertebrates?: A Buyer's Guide for Marine Aquariums", which is a simple book but good enough for basic aquarists like me. The thing that looks like the picture is a Chiton, which the book says is safe. Looks like they eat algae film, including diatoms. That doesn't sound bad, does it ?
Name:  IMG_5930_BLOG_Chiton1.jpg
Views: 936
Size:  142.1 KB

Name:  IMG_5934_BLOG_Chiton2.jpg
Views: 839
Size:  124.6 KB

Now, I couldn't get a picture from the top of it, only from underneath, so I'm not 100% positive this is a Chiton.

If anyone has seen anything similar on their tank's glass, please post a comment. Specially if it wasn't a Chiton, but rather a pest!


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Tags: chiton
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  1. melev's Avatar
    Since we can't see the top, this is purely a guess but I'd say maybe a Limpet? I've had Keyhole limpets in my tanks for years - nice grazers that never do harm.