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Goodbye, 75!

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Well, it's time for my 75 to go. I'm recently engaged and now I'm moving into a real house, but only for a year. Since I don't want to set up that big just to move it again, I put off my plans to go bigger and decided to go smaller. But before I go there.... The last picture I posted of my tank. Now, it's in shambles as I've cleared quite a bit out to friends.....

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  1. melev's Avatar
    So what's the plan specifically? Break it down, sell it off, and start again next year?
  2. Electrobes's Avatar
    How much smaller are you going? Congrats on all the news btw, that's great!
  3. FlammySnake's Avatar
    Well, by next week sometime I will have the tank all the way empty and the things I plan on keeping I'll put into a black round tub. Instead of selling my livestock I've chosen to give most of it away to friends in the hobby who can take good care of these things. The downgrade will be into a 40 breeder utilizing all of the equipment from my 75(minus the lights and overflow box which i plan to sell), but drilled (finally!). I have a stand mostly built and just want to get this light sold so I can upgrade to a led fixture for the downgrade.
  4. Electrobes's Avatar
    ::Looks around to see if Marc isn't present::

    Being sumpless is cool!
  5. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Electrobes
    ::Looks around to see if Marc isn't present::

    Being sumpless is cool!
    Why I oughta....