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July pictures

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After spending time on the 4th cleaning up the back wall of my tank, it's time for some pictures!

Name:  fts-july2013.jpg
Views: 1547
Size:  196.0 KB

Name:  reefshot-chalice-acan-lobo.jpg
Views: 1595
Size:  116.5 KB

Name:  reefshot-fishes-2.jpg
Views: 1502
Size:  265.6 KB

Name:  reefshot-fishes.jpg
Views: 1487
Size:  274.7 KB

Name:  reefshot-rbta.jpg
Views: 1489
Size:  284.5 KB

Name:  spock-2.jpg
Views: 1429
Size:  276.4 KB

Name:  spock.jpg
Views: 1573
Size:  270.5 KB

Name:  eot-july2013.jpg
Views: 1488
Size:  291.7 KB

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  1. Electrobes's Avatar
    lol I like the tab holding your vortech from danger!
  2. melev's Avatar
    Yeah, those things don't hold well and I usually replace them as that happens. These pumps have the cord running over the top of the tank so if something were to happen, it wouldn't fall to the ground. Remember, this is my TEMPORARY tank.
  3. Electrobes's Avatar
    I am surprised those aren't holding well. Though I just changed mine, it was for re-positioning reasons.. and it was a royal pain to get off!
  4. melev's Avatar
    I don't know why they don't hold strongly. I clean the area with rubbing alcohol, secure the new pad to the dry clean area, and then a month later it's loose. Maybe the weight of the cord since the driver/controller is near the floor. I hooked the cable over the back in the mean time.
  5. Electrobes's Avatar
    Have you tried other stick and hooks? I now use the clear ones with the easy to remove thingamajig tab. I hasn't realized till now that the prior ones were the same type.. not the ones that come with the Vortechs.
  6. melev's Avatar
    No, I bought a bag of these kind from Home Depot, and replace them as needed. Share a picture of yours.
  7. maroun.c's Avatar
    Very nice shots, love the Naso.
  8. melev's Avatar
  9. maroun.c's Avatar
    One question about the male Anthias, did it switch to male in your tank? How long ago did it switch? I notice the wild caught males turn out much nicer in color. I have the same with my Red Sea lyretail male that switched months back and still doesn't look as nice as the males i see in the LFS. Could it be some color enhancer deficiency in the diet or will the colors turn to the bright red eventually?
  10. melev's Avatar
    I had a female turn to a male and the two males did fight from time to time. The one that turned wasn't as vivid in color, but came close. I thought that maybe when the primary male died, this one would then finally transition to the same beautiful color. It was a male in my tank for about a year, but a few months ago I found it dead against one of my pumps. I don't have any idea how that happened. It was beginning to change into a male when I set up the 400g in Feb 2011, and a year later it had completed its transformation; it was with me for years before it became male.