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June's Full Tank Shot

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Here's the 215g, which is over a year old now.
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  1. cyano's Avatar
    I love how your temporary tank rivals most peoples main display . Have you considered keeping this tank running and making it your anemone/angel tank?
  2. melev's Avatar
    No, I want it gone. There's no room in this tank, and I can't tinker in it. I have some majanos that need to be nuked, but I've been holding off since I thought I could deal with them when transferring the livestock... but I may have to just act now to stop them from reproducing. I guess I don't like my temporary tank because it isn't and never was my planned reef. It was to get me by, and thus doesn't get the TLC i would normally employ. Btw, there's a new article on the front page of RA showing how this tank is plumbed, and includes a few pictures of the reef from yesterday.

    The Anemones will go into the 60g cube which will be pretty much in the kitchen, to the side of the 400g's end pane.
  3. cyano's Avatar
    ha ha, I can understand that. Is the only thing in your temporary tank right now only live rock with corals in it? do you have more rock in a container elsewhere awaiting the setup for the 400g again? You could always take the initial step of pulling out rock that has no corals on it, de-majano it, and place it in a seperate location like your sump or something else that could be tied in to your current system.

    I saw that you had that had posted that but I only glanced at it before going to work, but now that I am here if it remains slow I will actually read it.

    I had no idea that you had a 60g cube. Is this something that you are already cycling or is just in the planning stages after the 400g gets going again. Speaking of which any idea where they are currently at in getting the fully rebuilt one back to you?
  4. melev's Avatar
    I have a barrel of Live Rock that has been percolating for the past two-plus years. It will be the foundation rock, as most of the rock in the 215g has coral affixed to it. It won't be easy to aquascape but I'll just have to work with what I've got and take my time.

    The 60g cube tank is rimless, sitting in the spare bedroom waiting. I need a stand for it, and I'm more than likely going to use EZ-tube for it, similar to what I set up at MACNA last fall with the 40g Breeder display. It will tie into the main sump, so the anemones will benefit by the increased water volume & filtration. I'll use a Radion over that tank, since they wanted me to do a product review.

    The 400g is a brand new one, with Starphire on all three sides. They are waiting for two panes of glass to arrive in 10 days, and will then get to building it. That's the news as of today's email exchange. Replacement glass was needed because two got scratched somehow.
  5. cyano's Avatar
    Awesome to here an update, I just meant rebuilt as in they have built and rebuilt that tank frontwards and backwards (ha ha bad joke sorry.) But just to reiterate what I am sure you already here frequently none of us in the hobby can wait to see your 400 gallon tank started back up with progression pics including aquascaping.

    So with the Radion you will actually have a review on how LEDs and anemones get along?
  6. melev's Avatar
    Yes, that's the plan. I may end up with a few other things in the tank because that's generally what ends up happening.