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Been a while: Update on my 40Br Sumpless Reef

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So to add to the video update, some verbal updates:

- The hood is pretty and all (To me) but it is a pain to remove and put back on. I don't plan on getting a new one anytime soon, especially since everything fits so nicely in there: The pendant, feeder, filtration is well hidden, etc.

- I've started testing more often just to know where my params are at, out of curiosity. Cal seems to hover high at 480+ (Shocker to me), while Alk is stabilized at about 10.

- I am now using the Aerofuge to it's full capacity... all rock rubble and skimmer. It works like a champ, I love it. I have no lighting on it anymore, instead just using the extra Apex outlet for the moonlight LEDs.

- I am using a HOB filter with surface skimmer. I am mainly using it for the mechanical filtration and carbon function. I don't need much, and this filter does both well for my small tank. I have noticed improved health and slightly better water quality and clarity. I am using 1/4th cup of Black Diamond carbon.

- I am feeding once a day (A generous portion) and once a week I 2nd feed using freeze-dried Cyclop-Eez and Mysis shrimp.

- I now do a five gallon water-change once every two weeks.

- I don't plan on adding any coral, to stick with the idea of fewer but larger colonies.

- I do plan on taking a chance with a new fish, though I am not sure which one. I have an eight gallon Biocube for Quarantine, just to be extra careful. I am thinking a dwarf angel of some kind, but am worried about my overly aggressive Sixeline Wrasse. I'll do all that I can to placate that mean ol' fish into not hurting the new-comer.

- The machinery (Vortechs, filters, ATO, etc) have all been running smoothly minus one: The halide bulb that I stupidly broke (More next)

- The Halide: So I went from a Phoenix to Ushio's 20K bulb. While I liked the new bulb, I am kinda glad I accidently broke it, and used my back up bulb, the phoenix 14K. I didn't realized how much I love this bulb! So I bought a new one, for when this current one (Only used for three months) needs to be replaced.

- Scraping the walls is becoming more of a pain, the coral growth, while being a positive thing, is making it harder to keep the "clean" look. Oh well, not like my OCD is going to let me off the hook!

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Tank - Full Summary


  1. melev's Avatar
    Thanks for sharing your tank with us. Your system is always so nice and clean! Sharing this on our facebook page so more can enjoy it.