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Testing results

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Since I am bad at actually remembering anything, I am going to use this blog to keep track of my water parms. So I tested 2 days ago:

Alk- 12.5 DKH
Cal- 335 PPM
Mag- 1220 PPM

Wow- cal is low. I figured as much. My PH has been on the high side and so I go back to the old trusted solutions. I re-read this great article by Randy It explains why my Alk and PH are so high. So the last 2 days I have added 2.5 tablespoons of calcium chloride diluted in some water. This has raised my calcium almost exactly 20 ppm each dose. After todays test, calcium is around 375 ppm. Now some after one more dose, I will cut the dose if half. Plan is to go around 440 ppm. Once calcium is fixed, I will slowly adjust my Mag. I am not a believer in a solid number but more of what I find an acceptable range.

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Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry


  1. cyano's Avatar
    I actually keep a log in an excel spreadsheet that I have set up. I enter the date and I have a formula that calculates automatically the number of days the tank has been running since restart. As I enter test results the boxes I have set to turn automatically green if they fall with in my set parameters, red if they are too high or too low, and yellow if I enter DNT for Did Not Test. I also have a box right next to my magnesium results that will multiply my calcium x3 to tell me what my magnesium should be reading. The final box past all my test results allows me to enter any other important information. I will enter when I did a water change, how much water, how much additives (if any) I have used, and any other noticeable changes with my tank (diatom bloom started, diatom bloom ended, when corals were added ect.)
  2. melev's Avatar
    Definitely bring up your magnesium. Right now it works because of the lower calcium level. I prefer to keep it at 1300ppm, if not higher. Montipora loves Mg.