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skimmer wont stop overflowing

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so I got a new skimmer last week and it was working ok But it was to deep in the water about 12 inches.
I got a stand built and know it sits at about 5.5 inches deep.

Manufature recomends 5-8 inches.

Could this be causing it to over flow?

I have it dialed all the way down both the air and the waterlevel. in the skimmer and its been over flowing for 24 hours st8 now

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Typically lower water would not cause overflow, just the opposite. Could be a lot of stuff in the water column? Something die?
  2. cyano's Avatar
    skimmers can take up to 3 weeks to "break in" so that they can be dialed in correctly and not overflow. I had a very similar issue with a hang on back skimmer that if it over flowed it would cause a big issue with salt water on my hard wood floors. What I did to resolve the issue is I took some electrical tape and covered all the holes on top of the skimmer's collection cup which causes bubbles to not build up into skimmate in most skimmers. Take a thumb tack and poke holes one by one into the electrical tape (you may find that you only have to put tape over some holes instead of all of them) right over the covered holes and slowly over the next few weeks you will have to make the holes bigger or remove some of the tape so that the water rises more until eventually after the skimmer is broken in a little more you can remove the tape all together.
  3. melev's Avatar
    What brand of skimmer?Don't block the air, as the less air it gets, the more water injects into the body. Full open air, and open the outlet as far as possible to lower the water level in the body of the skimmer.

    This situation can also result after using products like Chemi-Clean.