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At last, the big tank is back

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The 400g arrived yesterday, and this morning I uncrated it as I awaited all the volunteers that offered to help bring it inside. I purchased bottled water, sodas, snacks, and even had cash to give to all my helpers, but they declined that latter offer.

It was carefully crated, and I took out about 100 screws to remove the plywood walls protecting it during its trip to my house.

Name:  400g-unpacked.jpg
Views: 3549
Size:  212.5 KB

Name:  400g-unpacked-2.jpg
Views: 4397
Size:  282.1 KB

This eurobracing now has an extra cross piece near the overflow teeth, and the black acrylic panel is less wide than the tank internally. There's a gap about 3/4" on both ends, filled with black silicone.

Name:  400g-unpacked-3.jpg
Views: 4803
Size:  177.1 KB

The overflow box walls are made of thinner glass, which alters how the box is bonded to the walls of the tank, which should avoid the shared silicone seam from the previous version.

We used 14 suction cups, provided by Frank's Tanks and Fish2morow (both excellent Fort Worth fish stores). Furniture dollies were strapped to the tank when it was on its back panel, and it was carefully fed through the front door and rolled down the hallway into the livingroom.

Everyone was helpful when it came time to lift it onto the 38" tall steel stand, and we nudged it back and forth until it was aligned perfectly with the wood platform that tops the stand. Here's a quick iPhone picture I shot this evening. I promise to post more DSLR images of this tank before I start to fill it up.

Name:  400g-on-stand.JPG
Views: 1618
Size:  113.3 KB

Behind the tank to the left, you can see the 215g still in place where the livestock resides for the past few months.

If you check out this page of the volunteer thread, you'll see pictures Uchin posted when he wasn't busy lifting: Click here

More to come...

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Tank Entry


  1. joeogio's Avatar
    hey glad to see a update on your system! and glad to see that beautiful tank back
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    Now go fill it up
  3. cyano's Avatar
    YAY! now that the hard part is done.....
  4. BulkHead's Avatar
    Let the fun begin!
  5. brotherd's Avatar
    I'm liking the new re designed overflow. I can't tell from the picture but is the new brace 2 pieces? It looks like there is a strip that underlaps the long braces at the edges. Do you think the ledge below the teeth will be an issue for water flowing into the overflow? Man I can't wait to see it up and running!
  6. brotherd's Avatar
    I imagine you will have to make a new overflow cover as well?
  7. melev's Avatar
    Yes, the Eurobracing criss-crosses at all four corners this time, which is why you see doubly stacked glass.

    The inner lip works out well actually. It allows the water to drop in gradually. And not only do I need to make a new cover, I'm going to have to see how the Durso drainpipes fit this time. They may be tighter within.
  8. Trido's Avatar
    The tank looks real good back in its home. How many guys did it take to get it off the delivery truck? Four, or a forklift?
  9. melev's Avatar
    A driver with a forklift delivered it, and we used 14 suction cups to bring it in and onto the stand.
  10. Hat39406's Avatar
    Just AWESOME!! Can't wait for updates, Marc!
  11. reefocd's Avatar

    Did the tank builder only have to rebuild the end of the tank?

    Could you satisfy the technically curious questions I have about your tank in general;

    A) are sides on top or around bottom pane?
    B) I see air bubble between euro brace sandwiched panes, are bottom/top euro panes edged sealed or silicone completely filled between each pane layer?

    If I ever try dual pane euro braces would like a good understanding.

  12. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Awesome! Let the fun begin!
  13. pepper'scove's Avatar
    Been waiting a long time for this post!