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new sump location

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Good morning all; I was looking for some input for my new tank setup. I have a dirt floor basement which I'm thinking about putting my sump at, it would be on a stand directly under my tank. It's a 60 gallon 3 compartment sump, so I would have plenty of room for my skimmer, refugium, heaters, and all. It would give me about 10-12 ft of head pressure to overcome, but there are plenty of pumps out there to use. The temp stays pretty constant year around. It would be a little more incovenent, but a friend is building me a custom black walnut stand for the tank. This setup would make things look cleaner and quieter, as my old tank set up was pretty loud being in the middle of my living room. Any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks.

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  1. joeogio's Avatar
    sump in a dirt floor basement scares me, is their a closet or somewhere else you could put the sump?
  2. melev's Avatar
    Dirt in the sump would be a concern as well. Plywood and a sheet of foam under the sump would be good, raising it up off the ground somewhat. That will keep things clean.