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It's hot. Distraction-mode enabled

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Here in DFW, Texas it's 107F outside. Brutal - my lawn is begging for mercy, but annually August is our worst month ever. How about you? What's it like where you are?

In the meantime as we hunker down in our A/C cooled homes, what can you do? Enjoy some entertainment, right? Here are two videos that have recently caught my eye on the newsfeed. They are exceptionally well done.

Pacman fan movie (thanks to Jessy)

Google Glasses should have been (thanks to Jerry Harmon)

If you are on Facebook, be sure to like/subscribe/follow these pages because I tend to post up interesting stuff daily.

I was scrolling down my personal 'melev' page and there's all sorts of nifty images, and I know the same is true for the reefaddicts page.

Bigger news: MACNA is getting closer. We are less than two months out, and last night our club toured the Sheraton Hotel. The group saw where you enter, the restaurant, the bar, registration, went across the skybridge to the convention area to see where the Reception/Casino night will be as well as the Gala that seats 1200 for Jean-Michel Cousteau's keynote address. When then took the escalator down to the ground level to see the Exhibitor Hall and the area where the speakers present as well as the huge raffle area. Thereafter, we went up to see both a hotel room and a suite. Finally, we converged on Draft, the sports bar where we enjoyed some drinks, food, and played some pool while others watched various games on the many tv screens (including the Olympics). Here's a quote from our club's site by one member:

"It was a fun event... The Hotel is great, MACNA is going to be crazy fun... Book your room soon, they are filling up fast... You don't want to miss THIS EVENT. Thanks Drew for making the meeting at the Hotel possible."

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  1. blakew's Avatar
    It's 70 outside now, high today was of the few sunny days we've had this summer...I know it's been a heat wave and a drought everywhere else in the lower 48, but with the exception of a couple of days in the 80's and about 10 total sunny days, this summer has just been a continuation of the winter...gray, overcast and gloomy. Don't get me wrong though, I don't envy the 100+ degree with high humidity weather at all.

    About the google glasses, I wonder how many people would walk into traffic or off a pier with a heads up display.
  2. wrx1908's Avatar
    In LA someone would have taken the glasses before you go over lol
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    blakew, you must be in Anchorage, LOL.

    I was just thinking Marc's post was ironic, since I was just checking my aquarium's temp since it's been getting down in the 40's at night now and I haven't turned the boiler back on yet. (discovered I need a second heater. A single 150W isn't quite keeping up.)

  4. wrx1908's Avatar
    103 here in SoCal
  5. blakew's Avatar
    Reprogramming a bad date...bwahaha
  6. blakew's Avatar
    Phil, close, Olympia, WA...they said on the news today that we're the only state in the lower 48 that hasn't recorded the hotest July on record. In fact, we've been below normal for about 2 years now.
  7. Jnarowe's Avatar
    yeah, but Sunday was like Vegas in August. Brutal. About a 3-day heat wave, and back to 70's, as God intended it!
  8. canyousee's Avatar
    Bakersfield Ca was 105 today and going to be over 105 all week.I have 2 fans on the tank plus frozen water bottles i float in the sump. Send some fog and rain your way.thanks
  9. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    It's a nice 64F here with clear skies. So I went out to play with my dog and camera.
  10. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by blakew
    Phil, close, Olympia, WA...they said on the news today that we're the only state in the lower 48 that hasn't recorded the hotest July on record. In fact, we've been below normal for about 2 years now.
    Sounds like the entire West Coast is getting drenched then. My friends in Anchorage report that they're growing gills and webs between their toes this year. Here in interior Alaska we've been alternating between wet and sunny weather. The result? Well, the baby aspen I cut off flush with the ground last fall is now 10' tall again!

    But on the plus side, I've been harvesting wild strawberries and rasberries out of my front lawn, when I can get them before my dog finds them.
  11. trplxj's Avatar
    Been hanging right around 100 forever now and humidity below 20% here in Northern Utah. But we have a break starting today for the next few days it's going to be in the mid to low 90's. Everything here is screaming for water. my lawn looks like crap and there's not much I can do. I'm on secondary water for my sprinklers and only have it one day a week.
    Updated 08-10-2012 at 06:28 PM by trplxj
  12. NeenahFoxxe's Avatar
    Well in sunny FLA it's HOT! 96 degree day and HUMID as ever! I'm a Fla girl and when I read 48 degrees it sends shivers down my spine Brr!!. My blood is way too thin to live in a cold climate. Don't get me wrong the heat is miserable but I wouldn't change where I live I'm too chicken for the cold :/
  13. dahenley's Avatar
    are you going to be picking up your tank at Macna when marine land shows up to setup their booth?

    Im in lubbock..and i understand the temp.... my yard hates me right now because of all the heat and water restrictions haha