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400g update from Marineland

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Got a little news from Marineland today. They disassembled the tank today. I'm guessing with what remains to be done (Rebuild, let cure, water test, crate and ship), it'll be about four weeks until the tank returns.

The 215g did great while I was at Comic Con. The tank sitter said he didn't have to adjust anything during the six days he watched over it, and the Apex never emailed/texted me with out-of-limit notifications. Texas has been hot-n-humid, but the tank never varied more than 2 degrees daily.

My tank will be running once again, about a month before MACNA. And I'll be able to bring home a few gems to grow out.

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  1. DocCoral's Avatar
    Hi Melev! Around a month and a half ago I stumbled onto a thread you started about your 280 gallon reef build and followed it through thousands(!!) of posts. I read through to the leak and the new tank and followed your first year and the heart breaking leak of the 400 gallon. Wow, what a ride. It was entertaining and informative and I learned a lot in those hours of reading I just wanted to say thanks for posting so much information and sharing so much with the salt water community. I hope they get your tank fixed and back to you- I can only imagine how upsetting that is!
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc, are they adding any additional bracing to the tank, or any other changes? I am excited about going to me first MACNA this yeah. I just booked my flight and room, can't wait.
  3. dahenley's Avatar
    if it was just the acrylic panel swelling and pressing on the sides, are they just going to cut it smaller and allow for more silicone buffer between it and the walls?
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Nuff said
  5. SoLiD's Avatar
    I wonder what went wrong? It sucks when this happens, but when it happens again, and on a different tank, it down right depressing. Hang in there Marc.
  6. Mustang's Avatar
    Hey Marc just wondering if you have any news for us on your tank? Thanks
  7. melev's Avatar
    I'm guessing I'll get it by the end of the month, but I've not gotten a tracking number yet.