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Comparison of fish prices USA - UK

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I was sent a link to a US mail order aquatics company by a friend who thought it would be funny after I told him how much fish cost us here in the UK. I thought I would write a small piece to compare prices of a few fish etc just because its 0235 and I still can't sleep.

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So there are 5 pictures above of fish commonly available in the US and UK. The Flame Angel costs $43.99 in the US and $124.44 in the UK. That's a big mark up by anyones measure. The Green Mandarin is a better buy for us at $41.98 compared to only $10.49 in America. At $37.32 in Britain the Firefish is a popular little fish despite it's suicidal tendancies, in the US it's only $10.39. Now the Pyjama is one of my favourite fish and at $21.76 is pretty good value for money, again it's only $8.79 in America. The Green Clown goby is a cracking little fish and at $6.79 well worth the money but it costs us $20.20. Even things like Clown Fish, we pay $27.98 compared to $13.59 and we have breeders here that churn out Clowns by their thousand, TMC produces a lot of them but they are quite expensive for us.

Another big difference is live rock, 45lb or Fiji live rock might set you back $107.99 but will cost us about $265.00 I guess what it comes down to is that if you have a spare Garage with a small flat above it and you don't mind a Scottish cripple living in it rent free I can have airline tickets tomorrow and my first tank set up within the week. Obviously I'm joking but I'm very jealous of you guys. For the same money I would spend on a 2 foot cube you guys could build an 8 foot reef.

Thanks for reading. Any spelling mistakes are due to lack of sleep.

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  1. snorkeler's Avatar
    Nothing is so bad it can't get worse. Wait until I do a comparison to prices in Brazil, then you'll be shocked!!!
  2. Aughoti's Avatar
    snorkeler do you pay more than the UK or less?
  3. melev's Avatar
    Some of those prices aren't what we get here in Texas. For example, a box of live rock from Fiji is more like $190 for 45 pounds, if you know a guy.

    I got a PM from a friend that moved to Sydney Australia yesterday. She told me the 100gpd RO/DI system I sell and that she owns is worth $700 over there, and that you won't get a system faster then 75gpd anywhere. I guess I'm going to sell to the aussies and get rich quick!
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Yeah, but those Aussies can probably collect their own fish!

    If it's any consolation Aughoti, I live in Alaska and Flame Angels are $90 at the LFS. Uncured live Rock is $10/lb, cured is $12/lb. And many of the outfits that advertize free shipping charge for Alaska. One very good mail order supplier in Hawaii won't ship to me at all.

  5. Midnight's Avatar
    Yeah online prices are completely different than in store prices. I see the same prices or higher at Charlotte LFS's for fish than your UK prices. Are you not able to buy from some of the online vendors from the US? At least for drygoods, I can understand that the live stuff might not ship to the UK. Here is food for thought, when I went to England a few years back I was very surprised that after I was told the exchange rate is near 2 to 1 (the pound being worth more), The numeric value of things was double what we see in the US. That tells me that the bloated pound isn't worth any more than the dollar.
  6. snorkeler's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aughoti
    snorkeler do you pay more than the UK or less?
    I pay more, except for the few fish bred here like the clown fish. Corals cost anything between 5 to 10 times more than in the US. Equipment costs between 3 to 6 times more. Brazil is very tax ... heavy... Hey we have lots of politicians to provide for, got to keep them all well fed!!!!!