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Just saw something that made me very very happy. When we moved my reef to Tuan's a year ago, my little randolfs pistol shrimp was no where to be found. Tuan says he never saw any sign of him in over a year. Well, guess who I just saw with the red flashlight! My little shimp alive and well digging himself a new home. :-) This is really amazing, since we thoughly washed all the sand with ice cold tap water before putting it back in the tank. Talk about a tough little bugger! Now I just need to get him a new goby friend.

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Tags: moving, shrimp
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  1. melev's Avatar
    That's really cool. Always nice to find an old friend long thought lost, and in your case that's a pretty amazing story. Odds are it was in a nook of the rocks during the change over.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    You're probably right Marc, I did handle the rocks pretty carefully, keeping them submerged the whole time. But as you say, was really cool to see an old friend, especially a favorite.
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Here he is!

  4. melev's Avatar
    That's awesome! You should name him.
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    No names, any fish I name seems to die shortly after.
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    BTW Marc, any tips on how to get sharper photos out of my little digicam? This was a flash photo taken at ISO 400, using a monopod, then cropped, but otherwise un-edited.
  7. melev's Avatar
    Shooting a subject dead on rather than at an angle is best. Diagonally through glass will cause distortion, but sometimes you can't help that because of where the subject is. Try to avoid over cropping an image, as what remains will be blow up to the size you've set in the software which can pixelate it. Maybe a topdown shot would be better?
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Update: He's currently taken up residence under my lobo brain. there's a joke here somewhere, but I can't come up with it right now.