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Gone baby gone

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It took nearly two weeks, but my driveway is mine once again.

Now we wait some more.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    That is hilarious that you got the same driver. Hopefully you'll get it back in good time.
  2. cyano's Avatar
    That is fantastic! no longer at your place which means the process has finally truly begun. We all continuously await work of its arrival, repair, re-arrival, and setup you should celebrate by treating yourself to a $6000 fish!
  3. melev's Avatar
    You are very welcome to gift me one, for all my pain and suffering of course.
  4. blakew's Avatar
    let the countdown begin.
  5. Nitro's Avatar
    I'm happy it was finally picked up. Now they just need to hurry and get it back to you. You need something to occupy your mind besides the photos you have been posting on Facebook.
  6. cyano's Avatar
    yeah melev talk about taking the paint and suffering away from someone in an instant, lol my wife would leave me if I ever even thought about paying that for a fish. did they give an approximate timeline for the turn around on your tank?
  7. melev's Avatar
    No, but I expect it to be just about two months total. Travel time there, look it over, take it apart, fix it, let it cure to wait for a water test, then crate it up and ship it back. It is happened in one month, even better.

    Photos on facebook? I don't know what you're talkin' about.
  8. Nitro's Avatar
    Yea right. Are you going to tell me you were sleeping?