Jessy's Candyshop Cubed - New Lighting - Evolution LED 150w
, 06-10-2012 at 07:35 PM (17819 Views)
Sooooo excited. My new lights came in the mail yesterday. It's a custom 150w dimmable LED light from Evolution LED lights. When I had T5's I used to love my purple UV blub so when I was talking to Chris (Reefkoi) the owner of Evolution, he said that he could have them add LED's into his fixture. I knew I was sold. 6 weeks later the light with 8 purple LED's arrived at my door. I took down my old Ecoxotic Retro and set this baby up on my tank cover for a quick view and WOW am I blown away. I forgot a reef could look this cool! The ecoxotic light just wasn't giving me the color pop I needed. I tried supplementing with blue LED strips over the years but it just looked like blue strips of light over certain parts of my reef. Now I have to give ecoxotic credit, the light I had was less than half as powerful as this one, but the ability to dim the whites and blues separately means I can set the color exactly how I want it. Which I've not had for 2+ years. My normal mushrooms are back to glowing and i love it!
There is no way for me to tell if the 8 UV LED's are doing much to make the colors pop more, but I'd like to think it's going to help, if nothing else for growth. I turned down the blue a little bit to get a decent photo.
First impressions: Blown Away.