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The tank is out and crated up

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It's official, the tank is out of the house. Prior to everyone's arrival, I built a quick 8' pallet out of landscape timbers, 1x material, and some wafer decking.

Installing 2x4s under the pallet will allow a forklift to lift from the middle as well.

This was a very narrow exodus, with many reacting with a "Wow - that's gonna be close..."

Lifting it off the stand was harder than I expected, even with 8 suction cups and 8 lifters. We got it out and down on the floor.

As a group, we leaned it over carefully while Carl used a shop-vac and towels to remove the trapped water behind the black acrylic. It wasn't more than a few cups, but I didn't want it on the carpet. Once it was dried out, we inserted a sheet of foam under the front panel, and furniture dollies.

These were strapped under the tank to help keep them in position, but the dollies still bound up on the carpeting somewhat.

I don't know what he's saying here. I'm sure his toes are going to be fine.

The tank was placed on the a pallet, and 2x4s were secured around its perimeter to avoid shifting during transit.

A simple frame was erected around the tank, and decking screwed on all 5 sides to keep it safe.

A block of foam was put under the overflow as a little support, just in case.

Next, call Marineland and let them know it's ready to pick up.

I'd like to thank everyone that came over today to help move the tank outside. We joke about how I need to find 10 new friends for when the tank comes back repaired. Without your help, it wouldn't have been possible to get this beast on its way. A big thank you to Frank's Tanks and Fish2morow for lending me their suction cups and furniture dollies.

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  1. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Glad to see it went well. Hey, the inside of your garage still looks the same. LOL
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    lol, it does appear that Marc needs to have a garage sell.
  3. blakew's Avatar
    Now the long wait begins...longer for you than for us, I'm sure
  4. edandsandy's Avatar
    WOW! I know this had to a very difficult day for you... Best of luck! My offer on the SPS's still stands.....

    Oh, BTW.... I laughed out loud on some of the pictures!
  5. brotherd's Avatar
    Sad to see but had to be done.Hopefully Marineland will make this a priority job!
  6. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Unbelievable patience Marc. I would have told them to send me a new tank, and taken that one out in pieces. The expense and skill required just to box it up!
  7. NeenahFoxxe's Avatar
    Wow Marc, seeing the tank leak again after having the same issue with your prev tank must have been heart breaking and gut wrenching all at once. I commend you for not loosing your passion for this hobby.
  8. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar

    Are you being reimbursed for all that material to make the crate?
  9. maroun.c's Avatar
    Hope it won't be too long for us to see pics of it going in again!!!
    Please do update on the real cause of the failure when you have a confirmation from teh manufacturer as well as the modifications on the repair if there are any.
  10. SoLiD's Avatar
    WTH! Again... Man I'm late to this Blog.
  11. melev's Avatar
    It's like a line out of "The Money Pit": Just two (ahem ... four) more weeks.
  12. SoLiD's Avatar
    lol Money Pit. I haven't seen that movie in ages.