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Again?! For the second time in two weeks, one coral...

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I bought a very pretty lobophyllia about two weeks ago. I put it in the frag tank where it would get a meal and not be bothered by my dwarf angels. Within a couple of days, it attacked my suncorals. It was obvious because a huge glob of clear jelly was covering about 8 large polyps. I moved the attacking coral further away, and pulled the suncoral out of the tank and repeatedly blew off the infection in a bucket of tank water to help salvage the coral. I ended up saving all but two polyps.

Tonight it was time to feed the suncorals and that same coral was busy attacking another suncoral colony, sending out its messenterial filaments en masse. I pulled those off my little Tubastrea, and fed the corals instead. It'll be nice to get the big tank running again.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Wow, gotta love natural nuclear warfare
  2. Shawnanthony's Avatar
    Wow I'm sorry to hear tat.... Hang in there buddy We all no wat it's like to lose precious inhabitants ��
  3. blakew's Avatar
    Talk about a run of bad things happening. What's most impressive to me is that you've been prepared and known just what to do in each case. Sorry to hear about all the stuff going on, but glad your sharing. If the rest of us can learn from it, maybe there's some consolation.?
  4. melev's Avatar
    Yeah. I had a recent RA member remind me that I need to be posting more, but it seems like I only have negative stuff to share.
  5. blakew's Avatar
    Again I am truly sorry for your bad experiences, but glad you share. It may sound cliche, however I believe, it's not how a person runs a tank when everything is going well that makes them an advanced aquarist, but how they handle the bad things. Though it may not make you feel any better, how you're handling all this adversity is educational. Hang in there, I'm sure it'll turn around. You've had beautiful tanks in the past and know how to get back there.
  6. melev's Avatar
    I'm just venting - don't take every word I type as 100% factual. There's plenty of times I smile, but the bigger picture of having to start all over again is aggravating. Check my new blog post in a minute or two.
  7. blakew's Avatar
    Venting is good sometimes...clears the bad out. Just hoping to encourage a fellow reefer. Relative beginners in this hobby (myself included with only a couple years experience with saltwater) can learn alot from how the more experienced handle things. For example, having never kept anything but mushrooms and xenia, I probably would have let the suncoral melt away not knowing what to do to save it, but you knew and shared. Now I know what to at least try.

    Seriously, thanks for all you share, good and bad.