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As per Cyano's request...

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Here are a few pics of my 120 gal tank... I'm very fond of this tank and I'm pretty sad it's already sold. Thankfully I sold it to a friend of mine, who I know will take care of it the same way I have. He's patiently waiting for me to get the 265 gal build done so he can finally see this beauty in his living room.

The first and second pic are a older pictures. I no longer have the nem... It was getting too big and at the time I wanted to have more room for coral.


The torch coral (coral in the middle) was huge and I ended up trading it for different types of corals... Of course I only did that because it left me with an off spring... It made me feel really great when I saw a baby head growing on the rock next to where it was positioned.


Half the orange frog spawn above has also been traded for different coral.


You can compare the growth of the zoas and the monti from the first picture to the third picture. Unfortunately my iphone camera does not do them justice. The zoas have a beautiful bright green center. In the last year I have traded 4 colonies of these zoas and right now I have over 1,500 polyps...I'm long over due for another trade... My local LFS loves when I take these in for a trade because they fly off his frag racks.

As you can see on the third picture I've been battling a bit of bryopsis (I call it mermaid hair)... In the 3 yrs I've had this tank, this is the second time I've had to deal with this. Thankfully its only on a few spots. I have slowly (very slowly) been elevating magnesium over the last 2 weeks - since I manually dose I make sure I am safe rather than sorry. Today I noticed a few patches starting to die off and detach itself from the rock. I'll be cleaning it out of the overflows tomorrow. The sea urchin and the emerald crabs are really starting to chomp on it now.

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  1. cyano's Avatar
    I am loving it! are you getting this growth of hard corals with dosing, or water changes? I wish my wife would let me get a tank larger than a 75 gallon (she said only if I won the lottery.) I completely agree and understand on the iphone pictures they don't do anyones tank any favors but it does the trick thanks for the pictures on the existing tank it helps to see what your currently working with when making any sort of suggestions for a future tank.
  2. joeogio's Avatar
    cool pics! i love the rock work!
  3. NeenahFoxxe's Avatar
    The growth of the corals... In the past year I noticed they really started to grow way faster than when I first got the tank. However, a few changes were made then too... 1. I traded the wet dry with a fuge/sump. 2. I started to dose more often manually. 3. Instead of monthly water changes I switched to every other month (as long as nitrates are at zero). Lastly and this is the biggest thing... and I hope I don't freak anyone out... I don't run my skimmer all day every day... I instead run it at night for about 6 hours... This works for me and I don't suggest that anyone do the same. I must admit that when I started running the skimmer less I noticed the increased coral growth. I only have 3 fish and maybe thats why I can get away with running the skimmer less? With the new tank I do plan on running the more skimmer because it will have more coral and more fish.

    Thanks on the rock work... so far its been set up that way for a little over a year and no rock slides... PHEW!!!