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water testing the new tank

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Hey everyone!
sorry i havent been too active here latley, with the upcomong move ive been trying to get all the hours i can at work, and i havent really been doing anything to the tank, i just got a couple new chalice frags thats about it.

the good news is 1month after ordering, i finally receved my overflow box!! because it took so long i was able to get it for free! i installed it wednesay morning, im now water testing the tank! aslong as everything goes good i will drill it tomorrow!

the tank is 36"lx24w"x20"h

my tanks moving day will be on the 15th of this month! everything is going in one shot, and ive given myself 2 days to get everything running before i need to come home

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Kool man, I hope everything goes smoothly with the move.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Looks good so far. How far is your move?
  3. baker.shawn's Avatar
    I drilled the tank yesterday, phew I forgot how long it takes to get through the glass, my arm sure was sore

    Melev-the move is about 600km we will be renting a cube van for everything, my major worry is the wait the coral will have once we arive and begin setting up!
  4. melev's Avatar
    As long as everything is in coolers, brought indoors to temperate conditions, they should be fine. If the scenario gets dicey, you might consider adding a powerhead and heater to a contain (ice chest?) and put the corals together in a stable environment with circulation.
  5. baker.shawn's Avatar
    all the coral will be going down in bags and Tupperware within foam shipping containers from the LFS and the fish will all be in one bucket with an airpump. i also have a 50gallon stock tank i will be putting all the live rock in which will help me bring as much established water as i can, im going to clamp on a sheet of acrylic to the top to prevent splashing

    as for setting up the actual tank i havent thought into it all that much...

    once we get there i have 2 days to set everything up before i need to head home for another week with my dad so he can get back to work before the final moving day, so im going to be leaving my old laptop there with skype installed to auto answer, this way i can periodically skype my aquarium just to makesure nothing horrible has happened, in the event of a disaster i have 3 options,1) a LFS which is an hour away from the new house on stand and on payroll 2) my uncle who use to be quite the reefer extraordinaire and is extremly knowledgeable but has been out of the hobby for about 7years 3) the neighbors who are clueless but with skype I can talk them through just about anything
  6. Midnight's Avatar
    Ahhh, that's so cute. He will be ably to Skype with his fish and reassure them. Just kidding that is a great idea. You could also buy a cheap ip camera to accomplish the same