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T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank)

Not dead, just really really really busy!

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Wow, it has been ages since I've posted here!

We JUST sorted our issues with the city finally after over a year. I ended up taping boxes of the approximate size and placement to my walls where the city was insiting on placing moved meters, then I videotaped my dogs walking in the hallway, people, myself on crutches, and then a pregnant friend, then sent it to the city and asked why they were insistent on unsafe placement. You couldn't go past safely with crutches and my pregnant friend hit the boxes with her knee/thigh/shin. Like magic I had a phone call and resolution to our long standing issue within 72 hours. Why didn't I think of this ages ago?

Anyways now with our meter issue being fixed early next week, we'll be starting the process of pulling down the 180g grow out tank and selling portions of it off. We were able to pick up a cube (30x30x30) that I'm deciding if I'd like to use as my QT system, its 100g I believe

Over the last year I've been extemely lucky to have amazing opportunites in my field of work, opportunities that people who have been in industry for 30+ years do not receive. Sadly I've had to mothball or push aside many of my personal persuits to do so. It has been worth it every step of the way, but I miss my fish, my corals and clams. I re-homed nearly everything in the best interests of my livestock in November of last year.

My other half has been very diligently working on creating us a Water Management System. This is a system that will controlled and monitored by something K. is making by hand. The system will control fresh water top off, a daily 5-10g salt water exchanger, and a salt mixing station. I personally haven't been all that involved in this, unless you count paying for the parts.

I just want TIBET to be built and up and running. One of the things I look forwards to every day is going home and sitting in front of a tank, any tank, and just enjoying the moment.

We're hosting a small small wedding at our house at the end of the summer and the bride has asked if it would be at all possible to have our tank up and running by then. I told her I would see, but couldn't promise anything.

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  1. joeogio's Avatar
    thats awesome your making a glorified reef keeper out of a micro-controller. i am thoroughly stoked to see this come together!
  2. brotherd's Avatar
    Hey!Your back!Great to hear about the resolution process finally completed.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Any excuse to get the tank up is a good excuse. Impending wedding - check.