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y does my skimmer go crazy

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hey so everytime i do a water change my skimmer goes crazy any ideas as to y it does this?

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  1. cyano's Avatar
    I turn my skimmer off until the water change is complete and then redial it in due to minor changes of water level causing you to have to re adjust it. Also, if you are not allowing your salt to mix long enough for everything to stabilize (most people mix their salt the day before a water change) it could cause your skimmer to go crazy as well as causing ph swings.
  2. joeogio's Avatar
    i agree with cyano, its funny though my budys swc 160 will do the same thing that yours does but my asm mini g doesn't flench when i do water changes. im guessing it just depends on how the skimmer is designed and some are just more sensitive to changes than others. he also had a hard time getting it to run without over flowing when he first got it, could have been some surfactants at play then though too.