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Swimming Decorator crab

Frag plugs

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I really hate the look of frags and up until a few weeks ago I never had any. It is not the frags I dislike, it is that silly looking round plug they come on. I personally never use them, but I like to glue corals right to pieces of rock, then as they age and get largter I glue those rocks to larger rocks to make them completely natural looking.
Now there are maybe 10 frags in my tank on those round plugs and when I get time I would like to break them off and stick them on rocks. They really detract from a natural looking aquascape and my eye goes right to them.
I know stores have to sell them like that because it is easy and they fit in eggcrate, but it drives me crazy.
Most of my corals came on those plugs and I broke almost all of them off eventually or else I just epoxied rock to the plug so you don't see them.
Yes, little details make me crazy.

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