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Starting over with my tank!

Selling Hat's Reef

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Over the last few month I've been contemplating selling my reef system. I LOVE my reef! My wife lost her job late last year and has been looking for a job ever since. She is an accountant. There are no jobs. So, I'm selling my tank this weekend. I posted my reef on FaceBook a few weeks ago and someone contacted me and wants it. We really need the money so I agreed.

I'm very sad that I have to sell my reef, but I'm doing it for more than the money. I'm starting grad school this fall and really need to focus on school. After I finish school I will start a new reef tank. I will have plenty of time and money once I'm a psychologist.

I just wanted to tell all my friends here on Reef Addicts what was going on. I'm sure y'all have been wondering whats been going on when y'all seen me put my reef up for sale. A good person/family is buying it. That makes feel a little better about losing it, I guess.


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My tank!


  1. Heathd's Avatar
    Thats terrible. I hope your wife is able to find work soon, and hopefully you find your way back into a tank in the future. You had a nice setup.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thank you Heath! Yeah, hopefully she will get a job soon. I will have another reef.
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    And just think of how amazing it'll be with all you've learned from this one!
  4. stangchris's Avatar
    you can always pick up again and do all the things you tell yourself you wanted. So your next tank will be better.
    my sis graduated last year with a degree in accounting and buisness finance and it took a lil over a year to find a job. now she works for the enemy Petco and does all the aquatics lol
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    And I can feel your pain. I had to give away my reef tank a year ago. Now that I'm back on my feet financially I'm really looking forward to getting it back and upgrading to the "perfect" system this time. LOL

    So hang in there, I'm sure this will only be a temporary reefless period for you.

  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks Phil and Chris! Yeah I have learned more about reef aquariums in the past few builds while here on Reef Addicts than I did in the past 20 years doing reefs. There is a vast amount of information now. When I first started reefs the only info was from the local fish stores.

    Thanks Marc and my friends her on Reef Addicts!! It's been fun!

  7. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Just cause you sell your reef doesn't mean you have to go. Its guys like you that keep me motivated to keep mine. I look forward to your full tank shot thread every month, haven't participated due to mine looking like crap but I still enjoy it. Hang around it just won't be the same without ya.
  8. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks Lonnie, I appreciate that. I'm still going to hang out here. I really like all my friends I made at Reef Addicts.
  9. adam's Avatar
    sorry to hear that but you'll be back.