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well, I broke down and did it....

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I finally did the one thing with this hobby I swore I would never do. Not that what I did was a necessarily bad thing but I just had a hard time convincing myself that it was worth it. What exactly is it you might ask? I finally broke down and purchased a Vortech Mp40. That's right I swore to myself that I would never spend that much money on what always amounted in my head to a very expensive power head but, as I have gained a very generous promotion at work and would like nothing more but to see my sps thrive I have taken the plunge. It took a full week of reading reviews and watching videos to convince me it was money well spent. I still am not fully convinced that it was the right thing to do so if anyone has any positive experiences to help me feel much better about spending more money on a power head than any other single piece of equipment for my tank it would be greatly appreciated......

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Tags: mp40, vortech
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  1. blakew's Avatar
    Congratulations on the promotion...I don't have first hand experience with the Vortech power heads, yet, so I'll be interested to see what others have to say. That said, the 3 biggest reasons I decided to go with Vortech's on the tank upgrade were (1) they have a much smaller foot print in the tank than comparable options, (2) no heat transfer, and (3) to get the same amount of flow from a closed loop was very similar up front cost, but the closed loop pump would have used much more electricity to get the same flow.

  2. matt_longview's Avatar
    I've got an MP10 and absolutely love it. I've got my 227g tank currently. I've got much of the equipment as well... the biggest expense I have left is the powerheads. And it'll absolutely be Vortechs. They do more than move water!

    It sounds crazy to say, but the best thing is the look of the pump. My tank looks SO much better without that powerhead in there. Until they add powerheads just laying there running at the bottom of the ocean I'm not going to want them in my tank! Side note: I'd love if someone would just dump tons of frag plugs in the ocean too so that those would look natural! Haha. They move an absolute butt load (and that's a lot) of water and they can do it in multiple patterns and intensities that their research shows beneficial to a tank. They're legit. Good purchase. ;-)
  3. pepper'scove's Avatar
    Looking forward to making my purchase in the next couple months. Once I have my MP40/MP10 combo I will more or less be ready to start my tank. Until then... Looking forward to more comments here.
  4. cyano's Avatar
    Thanks for the comments so far guys, I personally chose to take the plunge due to the capabilities of the pump itself as far as a more random flow and with my tank having a lower flow than my few sps seem to like any way it seemed like a no brain er but honestly that is still stinging my wallet. It will not arrive until probably Wednesday which means I won't be able to install it until either that night or the next day (I don't see myself waiting till the next day.)

    I guess to give a quick update on other news I think I am finally starting to see some real results with my bio pellet reactor and my skimmer is broke in as well so water quality seems to be getting gradually better. A little diatom bloom has been observed as well as a small cyano here and there but nothing worth treating, just some symptoms that I am attributing to the bio pellet reactor. I will probably add a couple more fish soon since my bio load is boarder line ridiculously small and hopefully soon with the addition of the vortech my tank will be at peak efficiency.
  5. Siasl's Avatar
    I absolutely love the vortech pumps. I have a pair of MP40s on opposite sides of my 100g and use them in 40% reefcrest mode (anti synched). After a little initial set up to teach them how to make a "wave" (in instructions), I have two 1 inch standing waves bouncing back and forth across the tank. I love the look. I do not think you will be disappointed.
  6. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    I was the exact same way, I refused to purchase a pump that was so expensive, however after 6 years in the hobby, I reluctantly bought a used mp40 and fast forward to today, I have 2 mp60's and 2 mp10's in my tank.

    Not sure if I agree with the high sticker price but I agree that they are great pumps.