Equiptment Update (FINALLY!)
, 04-12-2012 at 10:54 AM (1914 Views)
In my previous blogs I have mentioned that I would be upgrading my system from the crappy LED's and Sea-Clone protein skimmer that I have. Slowly but surely as of last night the new Protein Skimmer was added (although it might have been way overkill haha) but thats what you should always do with any aspect of your tanks filtration. The lights have been on for probably 2 and a half weeks now and coral growth has been ridiculous since that time. (as far as my Chalices and Acros are concerned)
My New Tek 8 bulb lighting system I am using ATI, Giesman, and Korallen-zucht bulbs atm
My new Bubble Magus NAC-9 Protein skimmer its rated from 350-500 gallons and It is on a 120