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Is This ICH?!?!

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Hello Everyone!! I hope y'all are having a good Monday!! I noticed some white stuff on several of my fish this morning. I have attached some pictures of one of my fish, a yellowtail damselfish. I have been so busy with work I haven't been able to spend as much time with the fish as I usually do so I don't know when the white stuff started to appear on him.

I also have a yellow tang, starkii damsel, eyelash blenny, clarkii clown, oscellaris clowns (2), false lemonpeel angelfish, scopas tang, and sailfin tang. A couple of the other fish have some faint white spots on their fins but nothing like the yellowtail.

Can anyone tell me what this is and what is the best way to treat it? At this time I don't have a quarantine tank but I can run out and get a tank and set it up. But is it possible to set up just a bare bottom aquarium to use as a quarantine tank real fast? Would I need to take all the fish that have signs of the white spots on them and put them in the quarantine tank? If so, how big of a tank would I need to get to accommodate them while treating them?

If you need additional information from me just let me know. I really appreciate any help y'all can give me!!!

Click image for larger version

Name:	Yellowtail Damsel - 04-02-2012.jpg
Views:	876
Size:	104.8 KB
ID:	7135

Click image for larger version

Name:	Yellowtail Damsel - 2 - 04-02-2012.jpg
Views:	834
Size:	84.0 KB
ID:	7136Audra

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  1. cyano's Avatar
    It's a little hard to say but to me it looks like there is a lot of sand or other loose particles floating around in the tank that may be getting stuck to the fish. I Have heard of people adding the garlic extract (from the fish store not the grocery store) to the fish food and seemingly helping with ich. If you do set up a quarantine tank first we would have to know how many fish are actually infected and go from there. Please keep in mind though that chasing the fish around to catch them will stress them out and may cause it to get worse before it gets better. If all of your fish seem to have it though if it was me I wouldn't remove any of them and would be more likely to make sure there is nothing stressing them out (chasing them) and make sure that all of them are eating well and healthy. Garlic will encourage eating and seeing as you have some tangs and angels in there you should already be feeding them sea weed for their immune system and continued good health.

    A few questions for you would be how long has the tank been set up? How big is the tank? have there been any new additions lately? have your water parameters fluctuated dramatically or do they stay pretty stable? also do you have a goby that sifts the sand at all (if so that would explain the sand stirring around in the water column?)
  2. joeogio's Avatar
    looks like it to me, could be sand like cyano said. my mandarin will occasionally get some sand stuck on him. anyways if you think its ich you can used what i got rid of my ich with. i used a combination of a product called stop parasite, melafix, and garlic boost. spots went away in a few days and i continued treatment as directed. hope this helps -joe
  3. pepper'scove's Avatar

    Im pretty sure the OP can only do that in a quarantine tank, right? There are corals in the tank. Although it would be cool to learn that there was a treatment that could be applied in a reef tank. Please give more details, even if the OP isn't curious, I am!!
  4. joeogio's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepper'scove

    Im pretty sure the OP can only do that in a quarantine tank, right? There are corals in the tank. Although it would be cool to learn that there was a treatment that could be applied in a reef tank. Please give more details, even if the OP isn't curious, I am!!
    actually the product stop parasite is reef safe and so is melafix
  5. joeogio's Avatar
  6. pepper'scove's Avatar
    Hey, thanks for getting back to me on this!!
  7. joeogio's Avatar
    yeah no problem i always like to help out a fellow reefer, i plan to be posting on my blog here soon ive been meaning to but i haven't gotten around to it