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Midnight's 300g Build: The stand has arrived

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Not much has happened recently with the tank. I have been super busy doing other things around the house and trying to line up other contractors to get various things done.

Last night Wesley from called and said he was picking up the stand from the powder-coater. Wesley built the stand to my exact specs and did a fabulous job. The stand is 72 1/2 x 30 x 47 inches tall. it is built with 1/4 inch 2 x 2 tube except the top is 2 x 3.

That's all for now, hopefully I will get a date soon for when the tank should be in.

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  1. pepper'scove's Avatar
    Oh darn, I just committed adultery, now I'm gonna have to go to confession! Lol, nice stand! I can't wait 'til I have a house of my own someday and can do this kind of stuff. I'll be tagging along to find out more for sure!
  2. melev's Avatar
    Hey, where's the walkboard?! Looks great.
  3. blakew's Avatar
    Nice!!...Looking more and more like your build will be complete before mine.
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    Its leaning against the wall out of the picture. I didn't want to plagiarize all your pictures and blogs completely. By the way I resent the email regarding the sump, did you get it?

    Blakew, I have at least a month before thinking of getting wet, hell probably won't have a tank for another month.
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    For Marc I am adding a picture of the walk board.

  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice, MidNight! Looking forward to ya future post.