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Going to Next Wave!!

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Hey Everyone,

I am going to Next Wave 2012 this weekend and wanted to check out a couple fish stores while in the area. This will be my first time in the Dallas/Fort Worth area since discovering the wonderful world of saltwater aquariums. I don't plan on making any purchases since I won't be heading back home until the next evening but wanted to get an idea should I ever decide to plan a shopping trip in the area. Since I will only be in the area for such a short time are there any shops that y'all recommend I put at the top of my list?

Thank you so much!!! Can't wait until this weekend. I'm very excited about going to my first Next Wave event!!


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  1. melev's Avatar
    On the Fort Worth side, I shop at Frank's Tanks and Fish2morow.
    On the Dallas side, typically I head over to Fish Gallery but I've not been there in a while. Dallas North Aquarium is beautiful, definitely worth a visit but pricing can be pretty high.

    See you Saturday!
  2. melev's Avatar
    Melev's Reef will have a booth filled with RO/DI goods, and acrylic wares. Be sure to stop by and say Hi!