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Speaking in Atlanta this weekend

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For those of you within driving distance, ARC is holding their Frag Swap this weekend and I'll be speaking with Scott Fellman about Aquascaping. If you'd like to attend, here are the details:

The raffle prizes usually draw people in, but an Ecotech Marine Radion LED fixture? WOW!

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Damn, I will be just three hours north of Atlanta in the mountains of North Carolina. I don't think my wife will let me go, but we'll see.
  2. cyano's Avatar
    i am two hours north but if I am not working this saturday or my new equipment hasn't arrived yet I may head that way
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    I think I will be attending. Is there any thing planned for Friday or Saturday night in Atlanta? Should I get a hotel for either night?
  4. melev's Avatar
    If you arrive on Friday you'll want a hotel room for the night. I'd imagine on Saturday you'll want to head home with any new frags in a cooler. The event usually wraps up by 5pm with most clubs, so you'd be home by 9pm at the latest. I'm sure they are taking out the speakers for dinner both nights, but I don't know more specifics. You could follow that link in my blog and ask them directly.
  5. melev's Avatar
    The frag swap was a success. It appears about 300 people attended and everyone left with some corals. Numerous vendors were set up, including Seachem, Aquarium Specialty and Thrive... I gave my sumps presentation, then Scott and I did an Aquascaping demonstration. It was nice to run into some ReefAddicts yesterday.