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180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.

Considering making a change... From GenX PCX-55 to Reeflo Dart

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For flow and power consumption reasons, I'm considering making a change for my main system pump from the PCX-55 to the Reeflo Dart. At first glance, it seems that I may be ?doubling? my flow with an 8' head - and potentially consuming far less wattage. I know the spec for the GENX pump (an Iwaki knockoff as far as I can tell) says something like 170W - but my experience has been more like ~220-240W. Currently, I use the pump to feed a manifold that serves my main tank, my skimmer, my fuge, frag tank, CA reactor, and my SMR1 reactor. Everything drains or returns directly to my 55gal sump. My flow has pretty much topped out, and my power consumption has been a bit disappointing. Anyone have experience with both of these pumps? Any other comments about the manifold plumbing?


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  1. blennyman's Avatar
    My other question would be about whether it's easy/difficult to open up a glass hole (haha) to fit a 2" bulkhead instead of the previous 1". The reeflo wants a HUGE feed. Dremmel time? Any advice?
  2. trplxj's Avatar
    I don't have or have never had a genx pump but I do have a iwaki MD70 and a reeflow dart and the the dart in my opinion is far better. When I first plugged in my dart I couldn't tell if it was even running it was so quiet. As far as the hole in the sump I wouldn't dremmel it. And you can run a 1 1/2" feed line for the dart. That will require you to drill a 2 3/8" hole. If you have enough room around your existing hole ie. it's not too close to the edge of the glass you should be able to use a bigger hole saw and drill out a bigger hole around the existing one. At least that's what I would do. I love my dart and when I set up my 180 I will for sure use a reeflow pump. Well worth the money in my opinion. My iwaki is sitting on the self collecting dust.
  3. blennyman's Avatar
    Thanks for the input, trplx. That's what I needed to hear!
  4. melev's Avatar
    To add a few more thoughts:

    I love the Dart pumps. I have two on my system, one for the return pump and one for my manifold. I ran a similar set up on the 280g and never regretted that decision.

    To drill a bigger hole over an existing one, drill the correct sized hole in a piece of plywood, then doublestick tape that to your glass surface with the old hole in the center. I would even put a small 1/2" spacer between the board and the glass, but make sure it is secure. If you have a helper, their job is to make sure that board (now the drill guide) does NOT move. Wear ear protection, as drilling glass is about as bad as nails on a chalkboard but louder. With some running water to lubricate the diamond hole saw's blade, begin drilling out the new hole. Once you've drilled it enough to score it about 1/8" deep, you can remove the guide, or you can leave it there for the entire process.

    Make sure a towel is inside the tank under where the hole is being drilled so the piece that cuts and falls doesn't chip to opposing side.