Need Help ID Tang Ailment
, 01-26-2012 at 08:43 PM (5357 Views)
Hello All,
Suddenly, my Atlantic/Caribbean Blue Tang came down with a bunch of brown marks. They are not round, but irregular shapes. The skin is a little inflamed around each of the marks. They are on both sides of the fish, but more on the side shown below. So far, his appetite and general demeanor are unchanged.
A friend provided me this link to common fish diseases: To me, it would appear to be the first "ailment" photo on the page... which are coral stings. I don't have too many corals, but a couple of LPS and a RBTA that may have been able to get a hold of him, but I would have imagined larger marks if he anemone got him.
The photo is a little blurry, but hopefully good enough to get a possible diagnosis. What do you all think?