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the unofficial beginning

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I have been at this hobby for the past 8 years (coming up). I have had sucess to varying degrees, which magically corolate with overall interest (aka: Husbandry).

I must admit I am cheapskate (to a certain degree). As well as an advocate for "why pay for something that I can do myself?"

I have a 125 gallon tank with 55 gallon sump, that is filled two thirds for about 160 gallon total volume. I have a Aqua C EV-180 protein skimmer. For a return I have a Mag Drive 18. As well as a refugium w/ chaeto. Very basic.

pics to follow

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  1. melev's Avatar
    FYI, this is a blog so you don't have to limit your entries. They can be long and filled with images, allowing people to comment under your entire entry.

    That means you add as many images as you like, and type up all the detail you want to share. With other sites (forums specifically) you post message after message to create a "build thread". Here on RA, each blog stands alone and stays as a history of your tank. People can subscribe to your blog and get email notifications each time you type up a new entry, and they can read your previous ones by accessing all of your blogs on a single page.

    So you can summarize your current system as one entry, and then a future entry might be all about your newest addition or DIY project.

    If you have questions, just ask. A question can be a blog entry as well, and the answers will be available for others to read if they have similar questions in the future. Our Search engine is excellent, and the use of TAGS with your entry help locate topics of interest. Like my newest entry was about the new fish I purchased. The tag I attached to that blog was "angelfish" - any blogs about angels in the future will probably have the same tag, which appears in the right column of my blog entries in the Tag Cloud.