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Looking to purchase Protein Skimmer - which one out of three?

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Hello, I'm looking purchase one of these three protein skimmers.

I have a 90gal. with medium bio-load. I do tend to over feed a little.

1. Reef octopus 4
2. SWC extreme 160 cone
3. Bubble Magus BM-NAC7 cone.

Which one is the easiest to adjust and does one last longer than the other as far as the pump goes.

Any suggestions would be very helpful.


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  1. stangchris's Avatar
    you may want too look at the sea side aquatics cs-1 its a NAC-7 body with diff cup and a sicce syncra psk-600 pump but from the three you have the swc is what i would use.
  2. Gizmo's Avatar
    Thanks for the input. I'll take a look at that one as well.
  3. evoracer's Avatar
    I have a new CAD Lights cone skimmer and am VERY happy with it.
  4. kayl's Avatar
    I have the SWC and like it a lot.
  5. Gizmo's Avatar
    Thanks Evoracer, so now I'm deciding between the Sea side aquatics CS-1 and CAD lights TIA-1150. I'm leaning more towards the CAD lights because it's about $100 cheaper. Ugg.... decisions, decisions.....

    which one is easy to tune, if anybody knows. Please advise.
  6. stangchris's Avatar
    i like my cs-1 very easy to assemble, clean and tune. also the plus side is the sicce pump is low wattage so less energy consumption and low heat transfer to your tank. i get zero micro bubbles, pump is dead silent, zero start up problems. the extra price is prob from a better pump than the cad, read up on sicce syncra pumps and you will see why.