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Sea Hares

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Are sea hares reef safe? i.e will that eat sps, lps, or polyps?? i know they are awesome for algae but just wondering how reef safe they really are

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  1. dzrtrataz's Avatar
    I believe all they eat is algea. If you don't have enough it will die.
  2. RED's Avatar
    they are reef safe... However if they die, you need to get it out fast... They release nasty stuff that will flip out the tank... they also knock over rock and corals that are not secured. I love the little guys, but have a difficult time keeping them alive for more than 6 months.
  3. baker.shawn's Avatar
    id stay away from them if possible
  4. NoDoze's Avatar
    My sea hare has been with me for years! He does an awesome job at keeping the sand and low level rocks clean of algae. Because the snails can't crawl on the sand, and mainly stay on the glass and rocks, the sea hare has free range on the sand bed. They can't climb on their own, but can squeeze themselves between rocks to climb. He's never knocked anything over, but I think that's because he doesn't like the taste of coral: soft, sps, lps...he cringes when he tastes it. He also ALWAYS steers clear of the anemones. I would recommend it to anyone with a large enough tank to maintain enough green pastures

    ...forgot to mention... I've only read about sea hares ejecting their ink, or whatever it is. I've had rocks fall on him, and have pinched him with the forceps to lift and move him, never seen him eject anything! I think you REALLY have to make them feel threatened to get them to ink. And when they die? I would remove anything that died ASAP, especially if it was too big for the scavengers to eat up within an hour. ...On second thought... the only real thing I dislike about the sea hare is their poop! It's BIG, DARK, and takes forever to dissolve! Ewwwhhh! LOL!!!
  5. DJ in WV's Avatar
    If you have trouble with algae they are one of the best, but not for a tank with a occasional outbreak