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What an amazing fish!!!

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I went out a couple of weeks ago, and got me a kole yellow eye tang. I got a quarantine tank that I always keep running, and despite weekly water changes due to it having really no beneficial bacteria because of past treatments. It seems to always get a lot of algae. The tank was empty for about a month and running but i didnt scrape the algae everytime i did a water change. I tested the water when i bought the fish and everything was good,so i put him in the tank. 5 days later my tank was as clean as my display tank because the kole yellow eye tang ate all the algae in the tank. It seems like he gained some weight too, so does anyone knows where to get a fish threadmill? Awesome fish!!!!!

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  1. cyano's Avatar
    I had one and yes they spend their whole day eating and picking at everything including the glass, mine didn't seem to get along with the orange spot goby at all and would chase it around the tank. I could never get mine to eat dried seaweed and it eventually perished so hopefully you are able to get yours to eat a good herbivore based diet for continued good health, good luck
  2. josediazfl's Avatar
    Thats why I got him because I saw him eating at the LFS. I always make them feed the fish in front of me. They dont really like it but hey if they want to sell it I like to see it eat. Thanks for your comments my friend and sorry about your kole.
  3. evoracer's Avatar
    I always promote that anyone keeping tangs grow food for them in either the fuge or a grow-out tank. Dried seaweed (nori) is pretty empty nutrition-wise. Red Ogo is ideal, and it grows fast and easily like chaeto.