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Found what looked to be an aptasia anemone on my rock for the first time in 10 years! i hit it with aptasia x and it appears to be gone but we will see.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    I have more if need them, lots more.
  2. jlemoine2's Avatar
    I have recently started using Aiptasia-X. it seems to work pretty well. I like how they include to different ends on the syringe. Once straight and one curved so you can get into those harder to reach spots. It think it is best suited for those tanks with aiptasia just starting to break out, rather than a tank that is completely infested... in that case you would probably want creatures that eat aiptasia.

    Make sure power heads are turned off though, It makes application much easier and you won't use so much of the product.
  3. glue slinger's Avatar
    can someone post a pic of aiptasia? I'm not sure if it is starting in my tank or if what im seeing is something else. what i have in two spots looks like a small patch of ricordia, the other is similar but it seems to have "hairs". both are small.
  4. melev's Avatar
  5. blennyman's Avatar
    You know, something strange about Aiptasia - I've had the experience a few times where I'm "aiptasia free" for months and one just pops up out of the ether. 1/2" to 1" long and ready to sting the crap out of one of my corals. I haven't bought live rock for a LONG time - only introduced a few corals (frags) and/or fish in the last year. Yet I had to go and kill about 3 of these little buggers. Where are they hiding? How do they get in there?