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red bugs FML

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i was about to frag my blue acro today for a local reefer when i noticed some tissue damage, upon closer inspection i noticed that allot of my acros had the same problem, and that’s when my eye caught a tiny little orange bug, once my eye focused in it was easier to see the others so it turns out i have a bit of an issue

i have been diping everything i get, but not with interceptor (i dont even know if its available in Canada) anyways i assume it came in in one of my recent frag purchases from a small LFS

looks like i have a project for Saturday, i have read this over and it doesn’t look like too much work

does anyone know if redbugs have any natural predators?any tips or tricks??

p.s sadly Mary Jane the potters angle is being evicted Saturday, shes just a little too nippy for my liking

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  1. stangchris's Avatar
    people have been using dips in Bayer bug spray for the yard, local reef guy had this prob and it worked great.