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I have always wanted a foxface in my tank but I keep reading (shocker that im doing my research first huh guys? -_-) that they are not reef safe however I keep seeing these awesome fish appearing in a bunch of FTS and close ups in reef tanks on here?!?! are these guys more reef safe than what has been said about them? Like i said i would really like one and at the least if they do pick at certain corals can someone list what corals specifically?


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  1. blennyman's Avatar
    I've got one and he's a real pig, but I've never witnessed him picking on corals (LPS, SPS, softies, etc), clams, featherdusters, or shrimp. I would say he's like a garbage disposal though - he eats pretty much any plant that grows and will even swallow large chunks of substrate if it has some green on it. The negative of foxfaces are the poisonous spines, they're known for being real crap factories, and they grow quite quickly. Positives - mellow disposition, like to tackle nuisance algae, and I would vote for 'reef safe' based on my experience. There are a couple of varieties in case you didn't know - the magnificent foxface is quite striking, and the fiji foxface is a little different than the standard one spot. I think you can find them without the black spot as well if my memory serves.
  2. Blake's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by blennyman
    I've got one and he's a real pig, but I've never witnessed him picking on corals (LPS, SPS, softies, etc), clams, featherdusters, or shrimp. I would say he's like a garbage disposal though - he eats pretty much any plant that grows and will even swallow large chunks of substrate if it has some green on it. The negative of foxfaces are the poisonous spines, they're known for being real crap factories, and they grow quite quickly. Positives - mellow disposition, like to tackle nuisance algae, and I would vote for 'reef safe' based on my experience. There are a couple of varieties in case you didn't know - the magnificent foxface is quite striking, and the fiji foxface is a little different than the standard one spot. I think you can find them without the black spot as well if my memory serves.
    What species do you have?
  3. blennyman's Avatar
    I've got the one spot variety - very common. I think the solid yellow is a "Foxface Lo". Wanted a magnificent, but was feeling frugal the day I picked him up. Mags cost ~3-4x as much. Fiji are ~2-3x as much in my experience.

    Forgot to mention - even though he's the biggest fish in the tank, he's definitely the whipping boy. The purple tang gets pissy with him and he's continually got blenny bites on his side. Doesn't seem to phase him though - very laid back and social. Very tough - and from what I've read, very disease resistant.
  4. blennyman's Avatar
    Hahahaha. I have evidence to support my claim! Look on his belly near the front of his anal fin:

  5. Blake's Avatar
    hahahahahahahahahahaha thats actually really funny. I think im going to get a one spot because we have one at my job and i can get 25% off anything i want so i think ill pick one up soon! thanks for the info and the hilarious picture!
  6. Burch01's Avatar
    I am extemely new to the reef hobby but just wanted to add my experience so far with my Foxface. I just added a One Spot Foxface to my 75 gallon this past Saturday. It has taken him up until today to get somewhat comfortable with his new home. For the first couple of days he was very finnicky and would camo himself and hide in a corner to the point I was concerned about him. When I came home this afternoon he was full colored and swimming all over the tank exploring and even found a few caves I built for him. I have observed mine picking at the rocks for algae but I do not have any corals yet so I can't comment to that aspect. Also mine loves the spectrum food pellets and fresh Caulerpa.
  7. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I have a magnificent foxface add he doesnt pick at anything He is around 7in and I love him eats from my hand. He is a pig also. I think youll find that most fish if you dont feed them right will start searching for alt's
  8. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Funny how they all look like they have cataracts