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Korallin Sulphur BioDenitrator

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Hi, I'm new here I have a used Korallin Sulphur BioDenitrator that I purchased on Craig's list that I know nothing about. Do I need to replace the sulphur media before using it?

I'll be running it on a 120 gal.

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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I dont know much about them But I dont think I would run someones used media in my tank especially if it had been sitting around.
  2. dahenley's Avatar
    Do you have to...NO. but Caribsea sells "LSM" which is sulfur media. its cheap. and you might as well replace the Calcium media in it as well.
    and you might as well fully take apart the reactor and pump to ensure everything is clean and ready for the new tank! (your tank)
  3. Jennifer's Avatar
    Thanks for the input. After more research, I decided not to add the biodenitrator to my aquarium.