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How to grow more Coralline algae?

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My tank has been up for over 2 years now and I just cannot get much coralline to grow. Seems like it does ok on the rock but none on the back glass and barely any on the overflow for a tank being this old. Whats the secret to success? Here are my parameters,

CA 500
NO3 15
phos 0
KH 10
Salinity 1.025

I do a 15% W/C every week.

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    You can dose a product called "Purple Up". When I started my tank I dosed it religiously for 8 months. Now I add once a week.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    it may be a mag problem.
  3. blennyman's Avatar
    What kind of lighting? I don't W/C nearly as often as you, have similar water params, and coralline is almost at nuisance levels in my tank with good SPS quality LEDs.
  4. adam's Avatar
    If it was mag alkalinity would probably be lower. I'd get a piece of live rock from a friend. There are allot of different types of coraline. Purple up does not contain coraline seed. All it does is promote proper alk and cal levels.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yep, it works great.
  6. twomonsters's Avatar
    I have used 6 T-5's for nearly the whole life of the tank. And I recently changed to 50 3w Cree LED's. Its a 90 gal tank.

    My Mag does drop on occasion but I keep it in check with a BRS Mix.
  7. adam's Avatar
    Purple up will not do any good for you. Your cal and dkh levels are good.