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DJ in WV

looking for some suggestion for content

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I have been trying to get a club going locally as the closest one to my area is pittsburg and is a 2 1/2 hour ride. So before I start putting out flier in the lfs in the surrounding towns I have been working up a club web site. This is my first web site I have ever worked on and have scraped 2 before what I have come up with now, Not being able to find a template that worked for what I was try to accomplish it has turned into a hand coding nightmare for me over the last 2 months. I know this isnt a tech site, but I would love to get some ideas and input from the type of people that would be using it. I feel it is pretty plain but I tried hard to get a steady flow though out the pages, feel free to tear it part if need be I dont cry to easy. A few of the menu Itens dont work due to not have the pages done but most of the important stuff is up and running. Their isnt a link back to the main site from the forums yet Im having a hard time modifying the phpbb and I have been unsuccessful in integrating it into the wordpress blog

Thanks for your time


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Updated 10-30-2011 at 11:50 AM by DJ in WV

Tags: club website
Questions - Need some input


  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    I'd change the font color on the front page, the descriptive stuff, to something darker. It blends a bit too well into the background.

    My only other feedback is the change going to the forum makes it feel like you are being sent to a new website. I'd try to integrate the colors more if you can.

    Please take this feedback with a grain of salt. My computer skills consist of turning one on and off.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    thanks I darken it and the forums are a pima I just cant find how to do anything with them I hope when I get it moved into wordpress it will help. For being a open source app I cant find anything easy to follow for the web impaired like myself. I have had a hard enough time learning the html and css to get the site the same but looks like php will be my next project
  3. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Could you just change the main page colors to match the forum colors? Kinda generic I know but maybe it would be easier?
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey DJ, I've done a few websites. If you want pm me your phone number and I will see what I can do to help you in getting it up and running. if ya like.