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Overflow Thickness

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If you build your overflow in the center of your aquarium does it need to be made with the same thickness acrylic as the tank? The thickness calculator says that it will require 1/2" thick acrylic due to the pressure of the water on a 24" tall tank. I am trying to determine if I can use 1/4" or 3/8" thick for the overflow as I don't think there will be any pressure on it since it will be filled with water.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    most of the manufacturers use eqv to 1/8in for their rr tanks overflows. 1/2in is just ridiculous and 1/4 is overkill but I is easier to work with than 1/8 imo
  2. evoracer's Avatar
    Right. Since it will have water on both sides there is no need for 1/2" material. I would use 1/4" personally.
  3. chuck's Avatar
    Thank you for confirming my thoughts. I just could not imagine that anything near that thick was really needed. 1/4" it will be.
  4. melev's Avatar
    1/4" to 3/8" would be my suggestion. If you feel the center needs reinforcement and will still let you install plumbing, go for it.
  5. chuck's Avatar
    Ok i will probably use 3/8" since that is the thickness I am going to use to build the sump.

    The other conflicting information I keep running into with acrylic is whether you have to use a capillary method with weld-on #4 or a two part poly...something like Weld-on #40 I believe.

    Anyone have any insight into this?
  6. melev's Avatar
    You can use #3 or #4. I've never used the two-part #40.
  7. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I keep 3,4, and 16 onhand and havent had need for any other 16 is good any gaps I got a pack of syringe for like diabetics to inject it into an voids in joints
  8. chuck's Avatar
    very good I will use the capillary method with 3, 4 and 16. Maybe they are referring to using the 2 part stuff on much thicker acrylic
  9. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I think for .750 and up calls for something different but I cant recall what it was called