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Hi! every one im planing to built a shallow rimless reef tank, and im choosing 2 sizes
1. 38X25X15 (L,W,H) 2. 35X35X15 (L,W,H)
I'm just wondering if 1 (150w DE MH) can support the L and W of my tank? im planing to have a LPS, Montipora Capricornis, zoas, clams and softies. Thanks!

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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    depends on how high above the tank and the reflector size. If you keep the sps toward the center of the lamp you prob be ok, light coverage of the tank is going to be the issue with using one lamp
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    i think that footprint and depth is a little much for a 150w espically if you want to keep clams and some sps, you would have to have it really high off the water to get proper coverage intensity would be very low, this being said you MAY be able to do it, but i wouldnt risk it.

    id go with a 250w. but if you have to buy everything (lamp, ballast, reflector) your almost better off going LED keeping in mind you wont have bulbs to change every year, if thats something youd consider
  3. kuza's Avatar
    Thanks! DJ and baker for the advice helps me a lot!