I thought I should update.
Play the video in 720p HD
awsime tank you have so many fish in it how do you keep ur water quality high?
looks great brad you have been quite for awhile wb
I did watch it in 720p. There's a way to share it that way, Brad. When you click Share, it will give you the default but if you look in that area under the video, there's an option to show more and then you can put a checkmark in the HD box and the URL is slightly altered. Your tank looks super healthy, other than the Hippo. He's been around a while I bet. What kind of angel is that at 1:25-1:30? It's a pretty one.
Strange, I cannot even see the video on this site. But I did on FB. very nice video. Your tank is so beautiful with all the colors and movement! I love watching videos of your tank; my wife also enjoys them. She let's me get more "stuff" after she watches them. Hahahaba Thanks!