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50W LED Build cost so far

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Well I sat down with my receipts and came up with the cost so far for this build. I have spent more money then absolutely necessary, but I wanted to experiment with some things, I had to buy some tools, and I bought some items in bulk because I know I will be building more of these. So I am just basically going to give you the break down of all the things I have used on this project.

Soldering Iron Adjustable from 20W to 50W $20.99 Radioshack
Electrical Pliers (for crimping) $8.94 Lowes
Greenlee wire strippers $11.97 Lowes
3/4" Forstner Bit $9.97 Lowes

50W LED 20K and Driver $60.99 Ebay
Aluminum Heatsink w/ Fan $8.99 Ebay
45mm Lens (90 degree optic) $10.99 Ebay
Solder 63/37 rosin core $4.29 Radioshack
Aluminum Project box $3.19 Radioshack
Plastic Project box $5.29 Radioshack
Heat Shrink Tube $4.19 Radioshack
Double Pole Rocker Switch $3.19 Radioshack
4"x3" PVC Coupling $6.21 Lowes
3"x1.5" PVC Bushing $3.42 Lowes
4" PVC Female Adapter $4.98 Lowes
4" PVC Flush Cleanout Plug $3.09 Lowes
Assorted Disconnect $6.64 Lowes
Assorted Butt Splice $4.16 Lowes
16-2 Lamp Cord 25' $9.00 Lowes
1/16" Cable 9' $2.34 Lowes
2 1/2" Rope Cleat $1.48 Lowes
Canned Air $10.97 Lowes (Total rip off by the way)
Liquid nails Home $3.97 Lowes
2 3/4" Draw Hasp 2 for $6.74 Lowes
5/8"x 2" Eye Screw $0.68 Lowes

Total= $216.67

I also probably spent about $10 on paint some of which I had already but I bought primer and sealer.

Thats not too bad a total but honestly I spent way more then that because I spent about $50 on PVC pieces originally when I was trying to figure out how I wanted to build the housing. The good news is that now I have the tools, supplies, and know how it will cost just under $125 to build additional units. I already have friends asking for them so I think I will be pretty busy!

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  1. Mustang's Avatar
    Thanks NEReef that is good news and thanks for sharing. Please keep us posted on how this does on corals. I have been casually watching led builds now for over a year and so want to do one and it looks like i may have the cash in November.
  2. NEReef's Avatar
    Will do! I am looking into 100W and Blue versions right now as well. The one I just made is 20K and looks blueish so I dont need an all blue one but I know some people really love their blue tanks. It looks like a 100W version would only cost another $30-40 so I might have to build one and try it out to see how it compares. Also I am looking into dimmable as well. Will keep you posted!
  3. melev's Avatar
    Isn't it amazing how much money we spent when you have to get a bunch of this and that. Those little baggies add up quickly.