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Protein Skimmer

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I am looking at 3 different skimmers for my first one. DO not know if it will be a FOLR or FO but I think my first dive will be in one of the 2. I believ I want to try just fish before I rap up a ton of money in coral and etc and find out I got my hand in more than I thought. Pluse I really do like some of the larger fish and small eels. My question to those with the knowledge is whice one of:

REEF OCTOPUS Extreme 160
Reef Dinamics INS180

Are the better skimmer and why?


Keller, TX

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  1. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    I would spend an extra hundred on the Super Reef Octopus XP2000. The bubble blaster pump is exceptional from what I hear. Most people are basically waiting to see how it holds out over time; however, It comes with a three year warranty. That and you get a sweet FOTM cone skimmer.

    My two cents.
  2. agsansoo's Avatar
    What size is your tank ? I own a REEF OCTOPUS Extreme 160 with a mesh wheel. It has performed flawlessly for about two years now. The Extreme 160 and MSX200 or great skimmers for the money.