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Quick Beaked Leather Jackets Update

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My Beaked Leather Jackets (that is what the Australians call them vs. Orange Spotted File Fish the Americans call them, I like the Aussie name better) continue to do very well. They eat mysis, nutramar ova, flake food, and even sera marin granules. I thought I would take a few quick pictures.

Name:  Beaked Leather Jacket 9-13-11-0020sm.jpg
Views: 615
Size:  116.2 KB

Name:  Beaked Leather Jacket 9-13-11-0013sm.jpg
Views: 612
Size:  249.1 KB

Name:  Beaked Leather Jacket 9-13-11-0019sm.jpg
Views: 597
Size:  279.4 KB

This is what they did to my pocillopora.
Name:  Beaked Leather Jacket 9-13-11-0036sm.jpg
Views: 581
Size:  173.7 KB

This is what they did to my pocillopora. They polyps are gone or retracted, however the coral continues to grow. My greenslimer and millipora both have retracted polyps during the day.

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  1. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Excellent photos! I like the american name better. ;-)
  2. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Fish don't normally grab my attention but the Orange Spotted File Fish always grabs my attention every time! We have them at the Steinhart Aquarium. Great shots. Did you have to wean them yourself onto prepared foods?
  3. gist41980's Avatar
    I got them from Diver's Den, so they weaned them a bit. When I got them they really only ate nutramar ova. It did not take long for them to take to mysis too. After a while they keyed in to the rest of the foods. I think they observed the feeding frenzy of the other fish I have (leopard wrasses, clowns, midas blenny and royal gramma) and eventually realized it was all good.
  4. partman1969's Avatar
    Congratulations on your continued success. The fish and reef look fantastic. Continued feeding on supplied foods should allow full polyp extension in the very near future. Gotta love your tank.
  5. DJ in WV's Avatar
    glad to see they are still doing well for you this definitely my favorite reef fish
  6. melev's Avatar
    Absolutely stunning fish! We need a photography contest to feature such great pictures once a month. Or maybe I'll just wade through the blogs and create a Best Of series to showcase on the front page of the site.

    Btw, have y'all clicked on our PHOTOS button at the base of the page? Jessy has amassed an amazing collection of gorgeous imagery in our Flikr channel.