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icecap 660 wiring

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I recently came across an icecap for super cheap, only problem is it came with no wiring. Any way i know i can buy a new harness, but im all about diy. Can anyway tell me which pin is what on the ballast so i can just make my own harness, to save me 30 bucks, like which pin is green, black, yellow and so on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  1. Trido's Avatar
    I did a quick seqarch on the web but had now luck.
    Sorry man, by the time I go look up the configuration at the ballast on my wall (mounted seven feet high), write it down, put it into some form you can understand on the internet, you go hunt down a female pin assembly and wire it. There is far more than $30 of both of our time invested into the project. Sometimes its just best to use PayPal.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Amen. The wiring harness is quite useful, and long lasting.