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New Arrivals - New Headaches

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My latest impulse buy, may have bought myself a really big headache.

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I couldn't resist. One thing I have always wanted to recreate in my SPS reef was a sense of movement. Let's face it, a stick is a stick, whether it's colored up like or crayon or not. My SPS tank is beautiful and I am, at the moment, quite pleased with it. There is however a serious lack of "movement". With the exception of a 12 inch Green BTA and a dozen heads of a duncan there is just nothing really moving around the tank. Sure, every few seconds a wrasse will swim out only to hide again. So it was about 10 days ago that I made a trip to what I'll call an "Underground Coral / Fish shop". When I say underground that is no understatement. The shop entrance is a pair of storm doors in the back parking lot of a vacuum store leading into a basement. Lots of great stuff down in there for sure. Anyways.... I got a really really good deal on some fish I have NEVER had much success with; 9 Pseudanthias tuka and 2 Pseudanthias squamipinnis. Yup 11 anthias, just couldn't resist giving them another shot.

In the past I was never much for QT but with the recent fish room that was built into my basement I figured I was long overdue for a dedicated QT tank. Nothing super specials just a 10 gallon, with a vastly oversized biowheel filter and a RIO 180 to get the water moving. So, I picked the fish up, hurried home, and tossed em in. I have kept sea goldies in the past successfully but have never had luck with the purple queens which I believe to be one of the most beautiful fish I have seen. So I have been trying to get these guys first of all eating. I have been luckily getting them all to eat BBS. It is rather disappointing that they will not take (or at least not much) frozen cubes, yet!

So after the first week I have no losses

....but I got something else

most of the fish in the tank are showing signs of some fish ailment. I am no expert in this area, yeah we've heard the term ick, velvet, brook thrown around by folks who we hope are "In the know" but without experience, how do I really know what is going on here. The fish are showing white external growths mainly on the gills. One fish had the same type of growth coming out of a spot on his head (looks like lymphocystis to me). After much reading it also seems to have some similar characteristics to flukes (gill flukes specifically). Without a very good sense of what to do I have (since purchase date) been treating the tank with the only thing available to me at the time, cupramine. Maybe it's me, but for as simple as they make the directions, I cannot get from them how much to dose into the water, so I have been adding 1ml every other day, oh yeah, I do not have a Copper test kit, I know, dumb on me.

I have seen no changes in the last week, in fact it seems to be affecting more of the fish. Today I started searching all the forums for anthias issues, and flukes seem to pop up more than once. I got online this morning and ordered some PraziPro, which in retrospect, is probably a good thing to have on hand. Should arrive by the end of the week. I'm just hopeful these guys will make it until them. For the meantime, I guess I'll be doing some quick FW dips to try and confirm flukes.

I am glad I didn't follow my normal fish purchasing routine. Buy 'em, temp acclimate 'em, and toss 'em in! Just too expensive nowadays to be so careless IMO.

I welcome anyone who has a clue about fish disease and treatment. Preferredly with some real world experience in QT and treatment of positively ID'ed ailments. It will be difficult with my camera to be able to take any detailed pictures of the affected fish. I tried for hours....

Thanks and Have a Fantastic Week!


UPDATE - One fish has died on me so I decided to do a FW dip on the carcass to try and confim flukes. Nope. Nothing fell off in the freshwater. This particular guy has the worst of the problem on his gills. I snapped a photo if it may help positively ID anything.

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Updated 03-03-2010 at 05:23 AM by landlord

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  1. Jessy's Avatar
    Wow! First of all you started me drooling with the pics... I LOVE ANTHIAS. Then I read and I got so upset for you! I should know more about fish disease than I do but I don't. All I know is that I got an Anthia and it gave my entire tank velvet and killed about 25 fish saddest week of my life. So kudos on the QT. I have a friend that is a Anthia whore and I believe I've heard him say he's had success with PraziPro before. My anthias LOVED to eat PE MYSIS so you may have luck with that. The PE Mysis is full of fatty acids and made my anthias super fat and happy fast. (Until their untimely demise that is)

    Now my little piece of knowledge. Flukes is definitely in the gills, Ich you'll see all over the body. If its velvet I doubt they'd be alive as that IME kills fast. I'll see if I can get my friend to chime in or not.
  2. landlord's Avatar
    I'll give the PE Mysis a try, I really want to be successful with these guys, thanks Jessy!
  3. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah that sucks.. I don't know if you have ever seen this article but it has some pretty good stuff on ICH..

    However if it is flukes I guess this wont be much help.. but thought I would throw it out there.
  4. sea2uaquariums's Avatar
    get some copper going in the qt and great move by doing so

    patience is the one thing you need to have and it will save you many headaches
  5. landlord's Avatar
    I ran copper for two weeks and did a 3 day PraziPro regimen. The two Lyretails were, and had been eating like champs since day one. The Queens never took to frozen food during this time. I lost 5 of them in QT with only 2 showing either a gill issue or something else that presented like lymphocystis. In any case I moved the remaining 4 Queens and the 2 Lyretails to the DT several days back. 1 Queen has gone AWOL in the rockwork, presumed dead but the remaining 3 and the 2 goldies are out an about. Still haven't seen any eating out of the Queens yet, and they look thin. I will begin adding large quantities of BBS to see if I can kickstart their appetites.

    Only time will tell

    Thanks for the reply! --Kurt